Fanfiction Ideas: 36+ Prompts for Inspired Writing - Brilliantio (2024)

Are you an avid fanfiction writer looking for inspiration? Look no further! In this article, we’ll introduce 25 creative and engaging fanfiction writing prompts to ignite your imagination. Whether you’re a seasoned writer or just starting, fanfiction offers a fantastic platform to hone your skills while having a blast. With these prompts in hand, the only limit is your own creativity. So let your favorite characters come alive, and have a great time embarking on new adventures!

Fanfiction has gained immense popularity over the years, and for good reason. It provides a unique outlet to explore alternate timelines, delve into uncharted character development, and even satisfy your inner romantic. With the vast array of fandoms available, there’s no shortage of ideas, from Harry Potter to Doctor Who. Remember, the magic of fanfiction lies in your passion and enthusiasm, so embrace your inner writer and let’s get started!

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Key Takeaways

  • Fanfiction offers a fun and engaging way to develop writing skills and explore new ideas.
  • The 25 prompts provided cater to a range of fandoms and themes, igniting inspiration for your next project.
  • The popularity of fanfiction stems from its ability to explore uncharted territory with beloved characters and stories.

23 Fanfiction Creative Writing Prompts

  1. Antagonist’s Perspective: Write a story from the viewpoint of a character who is usually an antagonist. Explore their motivations and how they perceive the world.
  2. Unexpected Crossover: Imagine two characters from completely different fandoms meeting and becoming friends. Write a story about their unlikely interactions.
  3. Fix-it Fic: Choose a major mistake a character made in canon and write a story in which they undo it. How does the story change as a result?
  4. Alternate Universe Fun: Write a story in an alternate universe where your favorite characters have different jobs, live in different places, or have the opposite gender.
  5. Superpowered Awakening: What if a character suddenly gained superpowers? Write a story about how they use them and whether they keep their abilities a secret or share with friends and family.
  6. Metafiction: Write a story in which the characters know they’re fictional and can interact with their fandom, including other characters, ships, and fanworks. Describe the hijinks that ensue.
  7. Slow-Burn Romance: Write a romance story where the main characters take their time falling in love. What obstacles do they face?
  8. Love at First Sight: Write a story where the main characters fall in love within 24 hours. Is it true love or just infatuation?
  9. Ghostly Love: Write a ghost AU story where one or both partners are ghosts who can only interact with the living world through their loved ones.
  10. Object POV: Write a story told from the perspective of an object belonging to a main character, such as a necklace, car, or book.
  11. Song Lyric Inspiration: Take inspiration from your favorite song lyrics and use them as a starting point for a story that reflects the characters’ lives and experiences.
  12. Prompt Exploration: Use prompts from other writers as jumping-off points for your own stories. Search online for inspiration and let your imagination run wild.
  13. Unlikely Crossover: Write a crossover fic between two unlikely universes, such as Harry Potter and The Hunger Games, Supernatural and Once Upon a Time, or Sherlock and Doctor Who.
  14. Fixed Problem: Write a fix-it fic where a problem arises but is resolved by the end of the story.
  15. Secondary Character Focus: Write a character study of a secondary character who doesn’t normally receive much attention.
  16. Non-Human POV: Write a day-in-the-life story from the perspective of a non-human character, like a pet or an inanimate object.
  17. First Times: Write a story where two characters experience something new together, like their first date, first kiss, or another first-time event.
  18. Roadmap Fic: Detail events between two canon stories, filling in the gaps for fans.
  19. What-If: Write a story where a minor change leads to major consequences, such as Harry Potter being sorted into Slytherin instead of Gryffindor.
  20. AU Twist: Write an AU fic where everything is the same but with one key detail changed, like Katniss Everdeen being born into a wealthy family instead of a poor one.
  21. Soulmate Connection: Write a story where two characters can see each other’s thoughts and feelings through words written on their skin.
  22. Redemption Arc: Write a story where a villainous character seeks to redeem themselves for past misdeeds.
  23. Epistolary Fic: Write a story told entirely through letters, journal entries, text messages, emails, or other forms of correspondence.

Among these prompts, you’ll likely find inspiration, creativity, and new opportunities for your fanfiction writing. Enjoy the process and let your imagination soar within the limits of 582 words or less.

13 Fantastically Fun Fanfiction Prompts For Harry Potter Fans

  1. Imagine a world where Snape had always been on the side of good…
  2. Envision Hermione’s life if she had never met Harry and Ron.
  3. What could have happened if Dumbledore turned out to be evil?
  4. Picture a timeline without the Triwizard Tournament.
  5. Think about Ginny’s life without being possessed by Voldemort.
  6. Contemplate Sirius Black avoiding Azkaban altogether.
  7. What if Hagrid never faced expulsion from Hogwarts?
  8. How would the wizarding world be without Quidditch?
  9. Ponder a reality where the Chamber of Secrets remained unopened.
  10. What if Voldemort had emerged victorious at the Battle of Hogwarts?
  11. Imagine Ron and Hermione never becoming a couple.
  12. Consider the Dursleys being kind to Harry.
  13. Finally, introduce a new member to the Order of the Phoenix.

These prompts are perfect for exploring time travel fanfiction and creating engaging alternate realities in the Harry Potter universe.

What Exactly Is Fanfiction

Fanfiction refers to stories written by fans about existing characters or worlds. They often explore potential future events or alternative past scenarios as transformative works. Sometimes, fanfiction stories take characters and place them in entirely different situations, known as alternate universe tales.

How Fanfiction Got Started

The concept of fanfiction has been around since Shakespearean times, but its modern form emerged in the 1960s with Star Trek. Fans began to write their own stories about the USS Enterprise, with some even being published in professional magazines. Opinions on fanfiction vary among professional authors, with some, like J.K. Rowling, supporting its existence, whereas others, such as George R.R. Martin, view it as detrimental to good writing development.

Why Do People Write Fanfiction?

There are numerous reasons why you might choose to write fanfiction. For some, it’s an opportunity to delve deeper into their favorite characters and worlds. Others use it as a way to exercise their creativity, exploring new ideas without having to build a new world from scratch. For many, it’s a fun way to pass the time. Regardless of the motivation, it’s clear that fanfiction is here to stay and has a significant presence in the realm of creative expression.

Some Characters You Can Write About In Your Next Fanfiction Piece

Hermione Granger from the Harry Potter series is an excellent example of a character to include in your fanfiction. You can explore different aspects of her life, such as alternate romantic relationships or new adventures with her intelligence and courage.

Katniss Everdeen from The Hunger Games trilogy is another strong choice for your fanfiction protagonist. Write about her life challenges and complex love story with Peeta Mellark and Gale Hawthorne through different scenarios or outcomes.

For a lighthearted option, consider Timmy Turner from The Fairly Oddparents. This character often finds himself in wacky situations with the help of his fairy godparents. You can create amusing and inventive plot ideas for Timmy in your fanfiction piece.

Other fan-favorite characters worth considering include:

  • Tony Stark – Explore his genius and inventive side, or dive into his personal life and relationships to create engaging stories about this superhero.
  • Clint Barton – Develop captivating narratives about this sharp-shooting archer, exploring his missions or providing insight into his personal life.
  • Natasha Romanov – Showcase her skills and personal battles while revealing a deeper understanding of this complex espionage agent.
  • Steve Rogers – Delve into his honorable nature and the challenges he faces, balancing his personal values with his responsibilities as a superhero.

The best fanfiction stories come from characters you’re passionate about! Think of your favorite characters from movies, TV shows, books, or video games when choosing a protagonist. Consider both original and existing characters, as well as main or secondary ones. Options like Doctor Who offer a rich universe where you can explore every minor character or superpower. Happy writing!

Why Fanfiction Is So Popular

Fanfiction’s immense popularity comes from a variety of factors. One key aspect is that it enables you to explore your favorite characters in new and exciting situations. Imagine Harry Potter being transported to Middle-earth or the cast of Friends meeting the Avengers – the possibilities for crossover fics are endless.

Besides, fanfic writers often take great care in staying true to the original characters and their voices. This dedication makes the stories enjoyable and satisfying for avid fans of those characters.

Furthermore, fanfiction also offers closure for stories that have ended, or even those that never had a proper ending. This is particularly common in TV shows that were canceled unexpectedly – countless fics provide alternate endings or additional closure.

Another factor that makes fanfiction so popular is the exploration of uncharted possibilities. There’s nothing like delving into intriguing “what if” scenarios – for instance, what would have happened if Dumbledore had been killed before defeating Voldemort?

So, as you immerse yourself in the vast world of fandoms and discover new universes, remember that fanfiction’s popularity comes from the boundless creativity and passion of writers and readers alike. Enjoy the adventure!

Is It Illegal to Print Fanfiction?

Caveat: I am not a lawyer, so this cannot be construed as legal advice. In general, it is not illegal to print fanfiction for personal use. However, there are a few things you should consider.

  1. Terms of Service: Always check the website or forum where the fanfiction was found. Some sites may explicitly forbid the printing of fanfiction without the original author’s permission.
  2. Author’s Request: Be respectful to fanfiction authors – they may ask that their stories not be printed without consent. Always ask for permission if unsure.
  3. Copyright Law: While printing fanfiction is generally fine, selling copies or using them for commercial purposes could lead to problems. If you’re giving them away for free, that’s usually okay, but avoid violating anyone’s copyright by plagiarizing their work or using excessive amounts of copyrighted material without permission.

In summary, as long as you’re respectful of the author’s wishes, adhere to the terms of service of the platform hosting the fanfiction, and don’t use the printed copies for commercial purposes, you can print fanfiction without much worry. Remember, when in doubt, ask for permission and enjoy fanfiction responsibly!

How an Alternate Universe Can Complicate Things for a Favorite Character or Couple

You love immersing yourself in fictional universes, but what if your favorite character’s world was turned upside down? Alternate universes allow for thrilling exploration of what-ifs.

Imagine a story where Ron Weasley ends up in Slytherin instead of Gryffindor. How would this impact his bond with Harry Potter? Would they remain friends or become rivals? Or consider a scenario where Rey never encounters BB-8 on Jakku. Would she and Finn still form their tight friendship? Could she even transform into a Sith Lord like her grandfather?

Alternate universes can involve time travel, taking characters on journeys through their past or even into different versions of their own lives. Time loops offer additional intrigue, trapping characters in a perpetual cycle of events, forcing them to confront their choices. Also, think about characters finding themselves in entirely new fictional worlds, with their previous lives only existing as echoes.

As you dive into these alternate realities, relish in the endless possibilities. Revel in discovering new aspects of your favorite characters and couples, as they navigate the challenges these alternate universes bring.

The Link Between Angst and Fanfiction

What is Angst?

Angst is a feeling of deep anxiety or dread. In fanfiction, it refers to stories that focus on emotional turmoil and intense relationship issues, often with less emphasis on the plot. These stories typically involve misunderstandings, family drama, infidelity, and include a slow build-up that leads to a satisfying, if sometimes bittersweet, resolution.

The Appeal of Angst

You might wonder why angst is so popular in fanfiction. One reason is that it allows readers to explore complex emotions in a safe environment. Angst can provide a cathartic release, helping readers experience and process emotions they might otherwise suppress in reality. Additionally, humans are drawn to drama, and by writing an angst-filled story, you’re tapping into that instinct, giving your readers a compelling narrative.

Incorporating elements, such as a deep relationship exploration or a romantic storyline, can further enhance readers’ understanding and connection to the emotions the characters face.

When Angst Goes Too Far…

It’s important to find a balance within your story, as too much angst can be detrimental. Excessive angst can make your characters’ struggles feel unrealistic or soap opera-esque, which can pull readers out of the narrative. Moreover, continuous emotional intensity can be exhausting and monotonous for readers.

Try incorporating lighter elements like fluffy meet-cutes or even amnesia as a plot device, which can offer exciting twists while keeping the story engaging.

Remember, aim for a balance between emotion and plot when writing fanfiction. A healthy dose of angst can bring depth and relatability to your tale, but avoid going overboard to maintain your readers’ interest and enjoyment.

Further Areas for Fanfic Writers to Research

Explore canon, improve writing skills, and dive into genres like fantasy and science fiction. Experiment with creative concepts such as crossover fics and alternate universes. To strengthen your abilities, practice overcoming writer’s block and enhance editing techniques. Remember, you can use your imagination to change story elements and even create surprising endings. Happy writing!

Frequently Asked Questions

What are some popular fanfiction prompts?

  • The Coffee Shop Encounter: Your favorite characters from different fandoms accidentally meet in a coffee shop in the human world. What surprising connections are made?
  • Old Enemy, New Ally: Two characters who were once enemies must work together when a greater evil threatens both their worlds.
  • Time Travel: A character is sent back in time and must navigate their way through a different era.

How to choose a fanfic genre?

  1. Consider your interests: What story elements are you drawn to—romance, mystery, comedy, or adventure? Choose a genre that excites you.
  2. Reflect on the fandom: What themes or styles does the original work emphasize? Build on those to create a complementary fanfiction.
  3. Research popular trends: Join forums and explore fanfiction websites to learn what genres are popular within the community.

Any tips for creating a crossover fanfic?

  • Choose compatible storylines: Ensure that the two fandoms you’re combining have some potential for overlap or shared themes.
  • Find common ground: Pinpoint similarities between characters or settings to create a convincing crossover.
  • Maintain balance: Preserve the essence of both fandoms and give equal importance to their characters and narrative.

What are some ideas for angsty fanfics?

  • Character conflict: Create inner turmoil for your protagonist by presenting them with difficult choices or feelings that challenge their convictions.
  • Dark secrets: Develop a secret that affects relationships or causes characters to question their trust in one another.
  • Loss and grief: Delve into the emotions of characters struggling with the death or disappearance of someone they care about.

Where can I find inspiration for ship fanfics?

  • Watch or read your source material: Revisit your favorite scenes or character moments to identify potential romantic pairings.
  • Explore fan communities: Connect with other fans to learn their favorite ships, or browse fanart and discussion boards to see which pairings inspire you.
  • Consider chemistry: Look for characters with intriguing dynamics, whether it be a slow-burning connection or an opposites-attract dynamic.

How to include ‘x reader’ elements in my story?

  • Create a relatable protagonist: Develop a main character (the reader) who can seamlessly interact with the established characters from your chosen fandom.
  • Use second person point of view: Write your story in the “you” format, which allows readers to immerse themselves in the narrative as if they were the protagonist.
  • Allow for customization: Include choices for the reader’s appearance or personality traits, so they can fully envision themselves within the story.
Fanfiction Ideas: 36+ Prompts for Inspired Writing - Brilliantio (2024)


What is a quick writing prompt for adults? ›

Here are some free writing prompts that you can experience nearly every day.
  • Write about the first conversation you had of the day.
  • Write about your evening routine in vivid detail.
  • Imagine you're best friends with your favorite book character, and write about what a day with them would be like.
Aug 19, 2021

How do you write an amazing fanfiction? ›

Start writing
  1. Know the canon. In fan fiction, the original story, characters and world you are responding to is called the canon. ...
  2. Have fun with plotbunnies. ...
  3. Look at our general writing guidance. ...
  4. Don't write a Mary Sue. ...
  5. Get a beta reader.

Can you legally make money from fanfiction? ›

It isn't legal to make money off of a reimagined version of someone else's copyrighted material, but many published works originated as fanfiction of copyrighted material. If the source-work has entered the public domain, then it is certainly legal to make money off of your own version of it.

What type of fanfiction should I write? ›

You should pick a fictional universe you already feel close to. Common choices for fanfic are Star Wars, Harry Potter, and a number of anime and manga franchises. The choice of the universe you choose to base your own work on will have the largest impact on your story and the way it turns out.

What are 5 minutes writing prompts? ›

40 Inspiring 5 Minute Journal Prompts.
  • When did you last feel out of your comfort zone? ...
  • What's the best compliment you have ever received? ...
  • What do you feel most grateful for right now?
  • Describe your perfect day. ...
  • What's your biggest, wildest dream?
Jun 5, 2022

How to write a juicy story? ›

How to Fascinate Readers With Juicy Writing
  1. Sweep in; don't creep in. Make an entry with your first paragraph and jump right to the core of your message. ...
  2. Floor the accelerator. Pick up the pace and increase the flow of your text. ...
  3. Use zesty language. ...
  4. Liposuction flab. ...
  5. Inject color.

What are creative prompts? ›

Prompts are tools for generating ideas and can be an integral part of your creative process. Ahead, a list of prompts to use as starting points for collage, mixed media art, drawing, art journaling, and writing stories.

What is better writing prompts? ›

1 Write about a song and a feeling it invoked in you. 2 Recall an important memory from your childhood and tell it from the perspective of someone else who was present. 3 Write about an item you have that isn't expensive but means a lot to you. 4 What color do you feel like today and why?

What are some good fictional story ideas? ›

Fictional story ideas
  • A scientist discovers a portal to a world where magic reigns supreme.
  • In a city where emotions can be traded, a young woman risks everything to buy happiness for her depressed brother.
  • A school exists where students learn to speak with animals.
  • A time traveler accidentally prevents their birth.
Sep 15, 2023

What writing style is fanfiction? ›

Fanfiction is, in the simplest of terms, a piece of fiction based on another piece of media, such as books, TV shows, or video games. It typically uses key elements from its source material such as settings, characters, and overarching storylines, though it repurposes them into an original plot.

What is ooc in fanfiction? ›

OOC is an acronym that stand for out of character. It is often used in role-playing when a person wants to break character or in fanfiction when a writer is expressing concern that a character was not himself in a certain scene or instance of dialogue. The opposite of OOC is BIC (back in character).

Which fanfiction has the most words? ›

There are works that are fewer than 500 words and longer than 500,000 words. The longest works of fiction in the world are both fanfictions too. The longest is “The Loud House: Revamped” and is 16,000,000 words. The second longest piece of fiction is a Super Smash Bros fanfiction that is 4,100,000 words.

How do you get fiction ideas? ›

You can get compelling plot ideas by reading the news or historical texts or watching documentaries. You can also use an existing nonfiction book to inspire a fictional novel, short story, or script. Thinking more broadly, you can source inspiration from a podcast, a poem, or even a self-help book.

How do I grow my fanfiction? ›

Connect with other writers and fans

You can find beta readers, co-writers, and an audience through fanfiction, so don't be afraid to reach out to people writing similar pieces, respond to comments on your posts, and be generally active in the community.

How do you start a fanfiction? ›

Rather than worry about writing the best fanfic you can, start with a storyline that interests you and build from there. If you like angsty stories, write angst. If you enjoy a certain pairing and wish they'd gotten together in the canon, write a story where they do.


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Author: Dr. Pierre Goyette

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Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

Birthday: 1998-01-29

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Hobby: Embroidery, Creative writing, Shopping, Driving, Stand-up comedy, Coffee roasting, Scrapbooking

Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.