78 Adjectives That Start With “E” (2024)

78 Adjectives That Start With “E” (1)

    Adjectives That Start with E


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“E” is the most common letter in the English language. Try to think of a sentence without using the letter “E.” It’s easier said than done! But you don’t need to deprive yourself. It’s one of the most exquisite, enticing, and exciting letters you’ll ever find with an excellent array of adjectives, which are descriptive words for people, places, and things.

Positive Adjectives That Start With “E”

If you’re having trouble staying positive lately, maybe some “E” adjectives can give you the boost that you need. Positive adjectives that start with “E” give you all the words to describe your enthusiastic friends and enjoyable moments, hopefully helping you to feel exquisite along the way.

eagerpleasantly expectantenthusiastic, hankering, ambitious
earnesthonest and sincereardent, heartfelt, impassioned
easy-goingflexible, relaxedcarefree, happy-go-lucky, laid-back
ebullientbubbling with excitementeffervescent, elated, buoyant
effervescentvivacious and enthusiasticlively, spirited, lighthearted
efficaciouscapable of producing a desired effecteffective, constructive, productive
elatedextremely happyexhilarated, delighted, joyous
electricbrilliant and vividthrilling, exciting, invigorating
elegantgraceful and poisedstylish, refined, sophisticated
eloquentwell-spoken, persuasive in writing or speakingexpressive, articulate, fluent
emboldenedconfident for an upcoming taskdetermined, reassured, hopeful
empathetichaving the ability to share in and understand someone else’s feelingscompassionate, understanding,
enchantingdelightful and attractivealluring, fascinating, beguiling
encouragingsupportive, giving someone confidence; giving hope for future successhopeful, promising,
endearingcute and lovablecharming, adorable, captivating
engagingcharming and attractivealluring, captivating, intriguing
enjoyablefun and amusingpleasing, pleasurable, delightful
entertainingproviding fun or amusem*ntabsorbing, compelling, engrossing
enthusiasticexcited to do somethingeager, exuberant, ardent
entrancingvery charming and interestingfascinating, winsome, enticing
ethereallike an angel; heavenlycelestial, sublime, delicate
excellentvery goodwonderful, magnificent, first-rate
exceptionalbetter than anything similarextraordinary, outstanding, marvelous
excitingcausing one to be eager or interestedintriguing, interesting, stimulating
exquisitewonderful; nearly perfectimpeccable, superb, splendid

Negative Adjectives That Start With “E”

Some things and moments deserve a little negativity. “E” adjectives offer an expansive range of words in the negative spectrum, giving you plenty of ways to describe exploitative work, exhausting people, or evil demons.

eeriestrange or frighteningbizarre, creepy, mysterious
edgyirritable or overly tenseuneasy, restless, nervous
egomaniacalcharacteristic of someone who believes themselves to be importantegotistic, conceited, self-centered
egotisticalself-centeredself-absorbed, selfish, pompous
egregiousremarkably baddeplorable, nefarious, heinous
eldritchsinister and strangeeerie, ghostly, spooky
emaciatedabnormally thin, especially as a result of illness or malnourishmentgaunt, undernourished, atrophied
embarrassingcharacterized by humiliation or shamedistressing, humiliating, upsetting
embitteredangry or resentful about past eventsirritated, spiteful, rancorous
entropiclosing structure or falling apartchaotic, disorderly
enviousjealous, desiring what others gaveresentful, covetous, begrudging
errantmistaken or off-coursedeviant, meandering, aberrant
estrangedalienated; separated from a family or frienddisaffected, alone
evasivenot truthfuldeceitful, deceptive, tricky
evilwithout kindness or mercy; intending to do harmsinful, immoral, malevolent
exasperatingintensely frustrating or irritatingbothersome, aggravating, annoying
excessivemore than is needed or wantedoverdone, inordinate, redundant
excruciatingunbearably painfultorturous, agonizing, unbearable
exhaustingvery tiring or wearisomedraining, taxing, tiresome
expensivecostly; high-pricedoverpriced, costly, exorbitant
exploitativetaking advantage of otherscorrupt, deceitful, underhanded
explosiveviolently angry or hostilevolatile, dangerous, hazardous
extraneousunneeded, irrelevantirrelevant, superfluous, nonessential


Neutral Adjectives That Start With “E”

Most things in life aren’t positive or negative. They simply exist, but they still deserve all the exceptional adjectives that “E” has to offer. Neutral “E” adjectives give you the perfect words to describe endemic life, elusive animals, and elaborate plans.

earth-shatteringhugely important, momentouscrucial, meaningful, notable
eccentricunconventional, slightly strangecurious, offbeat, idiosyncratic
eclecticderiving ideas, taste, or style from various sourcescomprehensive, diverse, varied
egalitarianfair to all peopledemocratic, impartial, unbiased
elaboratevery thorough and detailedintricate, complex, sophisticated
elegiacsomething that’s haunting and mournfullamenting, funereal, melancholy
elephantinemassive; resembling an elephanthuge, enormous, mammoth
eligiblehaving the ability to do somethingqualified, suitable, acceptable
elusivehard to find or catchevasive, fleeting, slippery
eminenthigh in station or rank; conspicuousprominent, distinguished, illustrious
empiricalprovable or verifiable by experience; derived from or guided by experience or experimentobservational, factual, practical
enamoredin love with or very fond of somethingcaptivated, attracted, fascinated
endemiccharacteristic of or natural to a specific placenative, indigenous, local
endogenoushaving an internal cause or origininterior, inlying
engrossingextremely interesting and attention-grabbingabsorbing, enthralling, captivating
enterprisingeasily making money or finding opportunitiesresourceful, ambitious, industrious
eponymousnamed after someone or somethingtitular, nominative
esotericknown only by someobscure, abstruse, arcane
exhaustivefully comprehensiveall-inclusive, thorough, in-depth
exoticoriginating from a distant country; something unusualalien, unfamiliar, foreign


Adjectives That Start With “E” To Describe a Person

Many of the eclectic “E” adjectives above are perfect for describing a person, but it doesn’t hurt to keep an elaborate list of person-centric descriptors in your back pocket at all times. You always need to be properly equipped to describe your extroverted friends, eagle-eyed teachers, and even-tempered grandma.

eagle-eyedhaving keen perceptionperceptive, sharp-eyed, observant
economicalcareful not to waste money or resourcesprudent, thrifty, frugal
ecstaticfeeling overwhelming happiness or joyful excitementelated, joyful, blissful
emotionalhaving feelings that are openly displayed and easily excitedpassionate, sentimental, sensitive
enigmaticmysterious; difficult to interpretcryptic, obscure, perplexing
equanimouscalm and composedeven-tempered, imperturbable, stable
eruditehaving or displaying great knowledgescholarly, knowledgeable, intellectual
euphoriccharacterized by happiness and intense excitementelated, beatific, delightful
even-temperednot easily annoyed or disturbedcalm, easygoing, composed
extrovertedsocially confident and outgoinggregarious, sociable, congenial


Example Sentences for Adjectives That Start With “E”

You now know an exhaustive number of adjectives that start with “E,” but even the most eagle-eyed, erudite readers might have trouble actually using those words. Seeing some sentences can help you better understand how to use even the most esoteric of adjectives.

  1. The eccentric man down the street owns 25 cats.
  2. Our economical friend was always trying to find deals.
  3. The eerie sounds coming from the basem*nt sent chills up her spine.
  4. Amy is so effervescent that everyone wants to hang out with her.
  5. The more efficacious workflow increased production by 15%.
  6. We often thought that our erudite friend would have made an excellent professor.
  7. Johnny's egregious error cost his team dearly.
  8. Her laid-back, easy-going personality was part of why we loved hanging out with her.
  9. Nirvana's electric performance really tore the house down.
  10. Elegiac poems of the late 18th century capture the feeling of mourning and loss.
  11. The elephantine beast reared its enormous head.
  12. Empirical evidence proves that the medicine is safe for children.
  13. Joan was empathetic to Carl's loss because she could imagine how much it would hurt to lose a loved one.
  14. The ice cream shop had an eclectic mix of flavors that ranged from plain vanilla to anchovy pizza.
  15. His elaborate plan to surprise his girlfriend didn’t work out because the bus was late.
  16. Jay Gatsby is the eponymous character in The Great Gatsby.
  17. No one could understand Janine's esoteric explanation of thermodynamics.
  18. The crowd lined up around the block for the excellent pumpkin croissants at Chez Christophe.
  19. An exhaustive list of every product the company sells is included in Appendix C.
  20. Coconuts are considered exotic in countries without coconut trees.


Extra “E” Words

If you think you’ve had enough of “E” words, just wait. Adjectives are just your entry point. Building an extensive vocabulary includes nouns and verbs. This can encourage better writing and speaking skills, and it might give you the extra edge in any word games.

  • Nouns That Start With “E”
  • Verbs That Start With “E”
  • “E” Words for Word Games
78 Adjectives That Start With “E” (2024)


78 Adjectives That Start With “E”? ›

Let's start with all the good feels and a list of positive adjectives starting with E you can use to describe all the lovely things about your characters: Eager: Enthusiastic and keen. Earnest: Sincere and serious. Easygoing: Relaxed and casual. Eclectic: Diverse and varied.

What is an adjective word that starts with e? ›

Let's start with all the good feels and a list of positive adjectives starting with E you can use to describe all the lovely things about your characters: Eager: Enthusiastic and keen. Earnest: Sincere and serious. Easygoing: Relaxed and casual. Eclectic: Diverse and varied.

What is a positive adjective for e? ›

Eager, extraordinary, earnest, excited, educated, elegant and enthusiastic.

What are loving words that start with E? ›

Romantic words that start with the letter E include “enamored,” “eternal,” “embrace,” “endearing,” and “effervescent.” These words can evoke feelings of love, affection, and passion when used in romantic contexts.

What is a positive noun that starts with E? ›

Some of the most used positive & impactful nouns that start with the letter E include excellence, empathy, enthusiasm, euphoria, epiphany, elation, encore, esteem, energy, and elegance.

What is a positive word on E? ›

Positive words that start with E
  • entertaining.
  • earnest.
  • ebullient.
  • ecstatic.
  • effervescent.
  • eloquent.
  • endearing.
Oct 10, 2023

What's a personality trait that starts with e? ›

They are empathetic, enthusiastic, extroverted, emotionally sensitive, charismatic, engaging, and eager to explore. Let us explore the personality traits, career options, nature in love & relationships, and characteristics of a person whose name starts with E.

What adjectives start with E that mean amazing? ›

Positive Adjectives That Start With “E”
excellentvery good
exceptionalbetter than anything similar
excitingcausing one to be eager or interested
exquisitewonderful; nearly perfect
21 more rows
Aug 16, 2022

What is an adverb that starts with e? ›

Some of the most used positive & impactful adverbs that start with the letter E include eagerly, effortlessly, exuberantly, enthusiastically, equally, expressly, exquisitely, eloquently, evidently, and eminently.

What is a positive verb that starts with e? ›

Some of the most used positive & impactful verbs that start with the letter E include elevate, enlighten, enrich, encourage, embrace, empower, enhance, enliven, evoke, and exalt.

What is a fancy word that starts with E? ›

Full list of words from this list:
  • extirpate. destroy completely, as if down to the roots.
  • equipoise. equality of distribution.
  • effigy. a representation of a person.
  • endear. make attractive or lovable.
  • epaulet. an ornamental cloth pad worn on the shoulder.
  • eugenic. causing improvement in the offspring produced.
  • expound. ...
  • effectual.
Oct 30, 2013

What are words that start with e? ›

25 Describing Words That Start with E
  • Epic.
  • Easy.
  • Equal.
  • Elite.
  • Eager.
  • Early.
  • Evergreen.
  • Elegant.

What does the E stand for in love? ›

L– Life's. O – Only. V – Valuable. E – Emotion i.e., U (You)

What is a positive adjective on E? ›

Some of the most used positive & impactful adjectives that start with the letter E include energetic, enthusiastic, excellent, exquisite, elegant, empathetic, elated, earnest, ethereal, and endearing.

What is an adjective that starts with E? ›

Check out this list of common adjectives starting with E. Eager - really wanting to do something, enthusiastic. Early - something happening before the expected time. Easygoing - carefree and not easily annoyed. Eccentric - unusual, unconventional, strange.

What noun starts with an e? ›

List of E nouns
NounDefinition + Plural Form(s)
EagleA bird of prey with powerful wings and keen eyesight PLURAL: eagles
EarthThe planet that we live on PLURAL: Earths
EasterA Sunday that celebrates the resurrection of Jesus Christ PLURAL: Easters
EarnestnessThe quality of being sincere or serious PLURAL: earnesrnesses
21 more rows

What is a word for amazing beginning with E? ›

excellent (adj.) exceptional (adj.) exciting (adj.)

What is a French adjective that starts with E? ›

Some of the more common ones include éffrayé (frightened), énervant (frustrating), and égal (equal). There are also several French phrases that make use of E adjectives, like le cas échéant (if need be) and enchanté (nice to meet you).


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Name: Twana Towne Ret

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